
You're Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!
by Lewis Carroll
After stumbling down the wrong turn in life, you've had your mind
opened to a number of strange and curious things. As life grows curiouser and curiouser,
you have to ask yourself what's real and what's the picture of illusion. Little is coming
to your aid in discerning fantasy from fact, but the line between them is so blurry that
it's starting not to matter. Be careful around rabbit holes and those who smile to much,
and just avoid hat shops altogether.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

gefunden bei frau luise
Montag, 15. März 2004, 19:42, von stormstrider | |comment

Ich habe das Quiz zweimal gemacht und einmal kam "Watership down" und das andere mal "Der Hobbit" dabei heraus. Ob ich mir Gedanken machen sollte?:)

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wenn sie damit leben können micht in der realität zu leben ;)
ich hab auch das country quiz gemacht (bei frau ramirez gesehen). ich sag dazu nur *seufz*

You're Egypt!
Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly
typical these days.  Though you are in denial about more things than most people.
 Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more
volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you.  You like cats a whole lot.
 You'd probably really appreciate The Blue

the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid


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Alles ist besser,
solange man nicht bezichtigt wird, Affen zu lieben. Obwohl......hmmmmmm, könnte doch was dran sein.... ;o)

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monkeys als apes, denke ich mir da ;)

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